Friday, November 29, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
The Spread of Religions Essays
The Spread of Religions Essays The Spread of Religions Paper The Spread of Religions Paper Short Writing Assignment # 2 Topic: The Spread of Religions 11/20/2011 Question 1: How did Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam spread across the world, and why are they practiced so far from their origins? Answer 1: Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam spread across the world by use of four common practices. Missionaries spread the faith to new areas. These missionaries adapted their message to the existing culture of the area and adopted elements of existing religious traditions. Pilgrimage was encouraged and allowed the pilgrim to express devotion through the hardships of travel and expand their world-view. Through the use of relics, people were allowed a personal connection to the story of the religion. They are practiced all over the globe, far from their origins. One reason is forced conversion such as the conversion of the Saxons by Charlemagne under threat of death. Another is diaspora such as when the Romans expelled the Jews from Judea and they scatted all over the earth. Question 2: How did these three major world religions change and adapt to diverse cultural circumstances? Answer 2: Buddhism adapted the Chinese culture in China and flourished there to an extent that China became the center of pilgrimage and dispersion even though India was the source. It adapted to Chinese culture easily because the Chinese idea of Wuwei was very similar to the idea of Nirvana as taught by Buddha. Christianity adapted to the indigenous religions in many ways. Just a few: The Church of the Holy Sepulcher was once the site of a shrine to Aphrodite. Christmas is now the celebration of Christââ¬â¢s birth even though no one knows the day he was born. European Christians absorbed their old pagan tradition of the celebration of Yule into the practice of their new religion. Sufi missionaries adopted local cultural practices into the practice of Islam to attract converts. Question 3: Why did Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam emerge when and where they did? Answer 3: Each religion spread mostly in near proximity to its source: Buddhism throughout eastern Asia from India to China then on to Japan and Korea. Islam spread from Arabia through western Asia and across North Africa. Christianity spread across the Mediterranean from Judea then through Europe during the dark ages when Europeans needed a sense of unity and stability after the loss of the same after the fall of the Roman Empire. Europeans then carried it with them when they settled the New World. Question 4: How did Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam interact with, provide justification for, and conflict with various states and empires in Afro-Eurasia? Answer 4: Buddhism became the state religion of China as the nobles embraced and patronized it. Christianity became the state religion throughout Europe after the nobles embraced it then forced the conversion of their subjects as in Kiev and the mass conversion of the Saxons under the threat of death. Islam supports trade so Arabian traders spread it throughout their travels.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
How to do job interview and Questionnaire about the Morrison Company Essay
How to do job interview and Questionnaire about the Morrison Company - Essay Example These open-ended questions will develop the interviewerââ¬â¢s understanding of the intervieweeââ¬â¢s strengths and weaknesses pertaining to the duties and responsibilities that the job requires. These questions also give insight in the intervieweeââ¬â¢s work experience, elicit opinions from them and give some indication of their suitability for the job (Department of Civil Service, 2008). The structure of the interview can follow a six-point format. Firstly, introduce yourself and greet the interviewee with a smile. Secondly, go through their application form and C.V. with them and ask them to provide more details on his/her previous job responsibilities, duties and projects they may have completed. Their responses will imply what they find interesting or challenging, how suitable they are for the job and how good their communication skills are. Thirdly, give the interviewee the job description verbally and summarize the main duties and responsibilities. Fourthly, to gain as much information that is feasible as to the intervieweeââ¬â¢s suitability for the job, encourage expansive responses with open-ended questions, such as those suggested below. Fifthly, ask the interviewee if they have any questions regarding the job or the company, and that either the interviewer or the Personnel Office will be there to answer any questions that may come to mind after the inter view has ended. Lastly, end the interview by stating what will happen next in the hiring process, and thank them for their time (Department of Civil Service, 2008). (2008). How to Conduct an Effective Employee Interview. [Online]. Available at: [Assessed 23 November 2008]. Department of Civil Service. (2008). How to Conduct a Job Interview. [Online]. New State Department of Civil Service. Available at:
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Employee Reward nd Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Employee Reward nd Development - Essay Example Organizational learning has been proposed as a fundamental strategic process and the only sustainable competitive advantage of the future (Vera and Crossan, 2004) as it increases the rate of change, provides flexible organization of structures, continuous improvement, and organizational interactions are actively managed and optimized (Easterling, n.d.). Smith, Araujo and Burgoyne (Vera and Crossan et al (2004) developed a theoretical model with 4I framework linked by four social and psychological processes like intuiting, interpreting, integrating and institutionalizing. Organizational learning is viewed as a process of change in thought and action among individual and group which is embedded in and affected by the institutions of the organization. It is further argued that tension between assimilating new learning (exploration) and using what has been learned (exploitation) is the basic challenges of organizational learning. The learning organization concept is about building learni ng and knowledge creating capacity in individuals and enabling the effective dissemination of this knowledge through the organization. The learning organization is the product or result of a critical combination of internal change mechanisms concerned with structure, process and human capability allied to continuous environmental reviews which is intended to improve performance (Thomas and Allen, 2006). According to Egan, Yang and Bartlett (2004) organizational learning culture can enhance employeeââ¬â¢s job satisfaction and both of these variables influence the organizational outcome variables of motivation to transfer learning and turnover intention. The analytic framework of the learning organization developed by Watkins and Marsick (Egan, Yang and Bartlett, 2004) provides a lucid and broad definition of the construct of learning organization which not only identifies underlying learning organization dimensions but also integrates such dimensions in theoretical framework which specifies interdependent relationship and was also agreed by Ortenblad (Egan, Yang and Bartlett 2004)). Vince (2001) while examining the organizational learning in Hyder Plc mentioned that the conceptualization which indicates that ââ¬Å"individual staff can benefit from on-the-job learning and training which is highly practical and appliedâ⬠(p.1326) and further argued that organizational learning is visible in the organizational dynamics which is created from the interaction of politics (power relations) and emotions. According to Miner and Mezias (1996) various theories have tacitly assumed a fixed world of exogenous conditions to which organizations must adapt while ââ¬Ëlearningââ¬â¢ carries a positive connotation in many cultures. Behavioral learning scholars claim that incremental learning is common and has useful outcomes. It is pertinent to mention that incremental and radical learning are both meaningful concepts that enhance survival and prosperity while may c ause damage the organizational culture. According to Yeo (2002) behavioral or adaptive learning approach clarifies that learning is directly associated to some action which follows it. Cognitive learning assumes that learning is more than just applying rules or responding to small scale problems and making basic elements of a subject. Sanchez, Vijande and Gutierrez (2010) mention that
Monday, November 18, 2019
Consumer behavior and pruchasing decisions Essay
Consumer behavior and pruchasing decisions - Essay Example It is only through this manner that the understanding between the business world and the consumer can transform into a profitable venture. Customers need the business world to understand them and avail to them what they want. On the other hand, the players in the business world need the resources that the consumer has in order to turn in a profit. Hence the concept of understanding the marketing stimuli is a mutually beneficial affair. This paper then discusses this concept through an analysis of the marketing dynamics and the marketing stimuli in the need to anticipate and fulfill the customerââ¬â¢s expectations and wants. In so doing, the paper will examine several elements under this concept which includes an explanation of how an understanding of consumer behaviour reduces decision risk for marketers in the definition of target markets and the design of marketing mixes, the analysis of the consumer decision making process, the understanding of how consumers evaluate the goods and services they buy and consume, the consumer involvement and types of buying decisions that these consumers make, the cultural factors that influence purchase decisions, the social factors and purchase decisions and the individual psychological factors influencing the purchase decisions. ... Marketing mix and stimuli defined Marketing mix is a concept widely applied in the world of business to ensure that the products that are delivered to the customers fit the four basic dynamics of place, price,à product and promotion. Marketing stimuli takes a look into the four elements as have been analysed in the marketing mix too. However, the marketing stimuli goes further to address other elements namely economic, technological, political, cultural as well as competitive element. For a product to be attractive to the customers, it must be selling at a price that appeals to the specific target of consumers, it must be made available where and when it is needed and a certain degrees of promotion of the product must have been carried out. However, it is important to note that other factors also influence the manner in which the marketing is conducted out. The marketing stimuli as named above clearly shows that the marketing dynamics could also be affected by other external forces . The economic aspect is one of them. If the economy of a country is doing well, then that particular country becomes a target for many marketers and many business people. Technological forces may also affect the marketing stimuli. Without the knowledge and subsequent employment of technology in such a manner that allows for the production of goods in an optimal capacity, there is a challenge of producing products that fit with the consumerââ¬â¢s expectations. The other factors namely political, technological, cultural and even competitive also contribute towards the market stimulation or otherwise. The coca cola brand; brief introduction Coca cola is worldwide recognized brand. They are the makers of the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Womens Roles In The Canterbury Tales English Literature Essay
Womens Roles In The Canterbury Tales English Literature Essay Geoffrey Chaucers The Canterbury Tales has been thought to serve as a moral guidebook for the 1300s and years after. He exhibits in each story what is right and wrong and how one should live through the blunders of both men and women. However, the underlying message within the sub context of the tales is a jaded look at women and how they are the cause of the demise of men. While most readers have said a womans role in The Canterbury Tales was to break free from a mans dominance in a secretive inconspicuous manner, and maintain faithful and steadfast devotion and affection for a man and his decisions. A close and careful reading shows that instead womens strength and need to break free from mans dominance can eventually lead to the demise of the mans role in society. Michael Calbrese wrote in Chaucers Dorigen and Boccacios Female Voices, that man represents sensuality and error, while woman embodies reason, self-mastery, and the wisdom that inspires virtue and order. Women remind men of their better selves, and even, at times, make chaste brothers and friends out of sexual pursuers (Grady, 272). That being said, however, more of The Canterbury Tales actually points to how women are more destructive on men than helpful. More specifically, I assert that in the Knights Tale it can be demonstrated that women are corruptive. The Knights Tale appears to be a tale of chivalry and upstanding moral behavior to the average reader. However, the theme of the evil nature of women lingers below the presented storyline. In the story, Emily plays the part of the beautiful woman who captivates the hearts of two unsuspecting men and leads to the death of one. Those two men are cousins Arcite and Palamon, both knights who eventually duel for Emilys hand in matrimony. Arcite and Palamon begin the tale as the best of friends and then roommates in a jail cell that is to be shared for eternity because of crimes the two committed together. But with one look at Emily, the Palamon and Arcite start bickering impulsively and almost come to blows over a woman neither will ever be able to have, or so it seems. So, essentially one could argue that had Arcite and Palamon had never seen Emily, their relationship never would have been severed and the two would have upheld the promise they made to one another to forever remain friend s. Chaucers knack for irony revels itself when King Theseus releases Arcite from his life sentence but disallowed from ever coming back to Athens. Theseus claimed that if Arcite ever returned to Thebes. This upsets Arcite are great deal because he is doomed to never see Emily again. His broken heart causes him sickness as hes weakened by love and as readers we witness him slowly wither away. Once Arcite devises a plan to return to Thebes successfully, the potential of seeing Emily begins encouraging Arcite to get better. In the meantime, Palamon remains in captivity, rendered helpless due to his lifelong punishment in prison. He knows that he will never be able to talk to Emily and certainly not marry her because of his plight yet he. All he can do is watch her from a distance and admire her beauty, for Palamon though what little experiences he has with Emily are still worth living for. Despite being locked in jail, Arcite believes that Palamon is better off than he is, though, as he says: O dere cosin Palamon, quod he, Thyn is the victorie of this aventure Ful blisfully in prison maistow dure; In prison? Certes nay, but in paradys! Wel hath fortuen y-turned thee the dys, That hast the sighte of hir, and I thadsence. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ But I, that am exyled and bareyne Of alle grace, and in so greet despeir, That ther nis erthe, water, fyr, ne eir, Ne creature, that of hem maked is, That may me helpe or doon confort in this: Wel oughte I sterve in wanhope and distresse; Farwel my lyf, my lust, and my gl adnesse! (58 60) Being unable to see Emily has caused him such anguish that he weeps constantly and contemplates killing himself so he wont have to feel this daily pain that appears to have no end. Arcite and Palamons distress occurs all because of a woman, that maintains no actual interest in either man nor realizes they even exist. Emily is not a typical female character her for her time we soon realize. She is sweet and very conscientious of the world around her. In an outlandish twist for a woman of The Canterbury Tales, she worships Diana and is content alone and doesnt ever want to be married much like that of her goddess wishes. Despite Emilys disinterest, Palamon and Arcite battle twice for Emilys love, this eventually leads to Arcites death. Even though Palamon, wins her by default, she still dismisses his love. He then commits himself to Emily faithfully for several years before she agrees to marry him, even though she still does not love him. This conclusion demonstrates that no one wins in The Knights Tale, but it is the two men who fight over the woman who lose the most. The general argument made by author Jill Mann in her work, Feminizing Chaucer: The Feminized Hero, the question Are women good or bad? is relentlessly turned back onto the sex that asks it and is transformed into What makes a good man?à I believe that although this may be true, more can be said about how the idea of the women is directly correlated to the man she is associated with. In conclusion, it might seem that despite whether the female has a passive or active attitude her actions will always be turned back onto the male at hand, therefore reinstating the belief that women are what creates or destroys a man. The Nuns Priests Tale is possibly the most notable depiction of a mans ruin due to the persuasion of a woman. This tale revolves around a rooster, Chauntercleer, that oddly enough can be seen as a symbolic representation of all men. He has seven wives but his favorite was Pertelote, and it is this female hen that brings about a great deal of trouble for Chauntercleer. One night Chauntercleer awakens suddenly from a terrible dream. Seeking comfort from Pertelot, he tells her about the dream which involves a wild, rampant dog with beady eyes coming after Chauntercleer with the intent to kill him. Rather than console Chauntercleer, she challenges his masculinity and states that no man of hers should be frightened of a dream. Offended by Pertelots reaction, Chauntercleer reminds her about the numerous times in history dreams have predicted the future and how non-believers suffered the consciences of not taking the appropriate precautions. Despite his reminder though, he dismisses his con cerns and says that Pertelot is probably right and so he goes off about his day not reflecting more about his dream. At this point, the nuns priest takes an aside from the story to tell the reader his own opinion on women but says that it is the belief of many men and not his own in an attempt to perhaps cover himself. In this aside he says: Wommennes counseils been ful ofte colde; Wommannes counseil broughte us first to wo, And made Adam fro paradys to go, Theras he was ful mery, and wel at ese. But for I noot to whom it mighte displese If I counseil of wommen wolde blame, Passe over, for I seyde it in my game. Rede auctours, wher they trete of swich matere, And what they seyn of wommen ye may here. Thise been the cokkes wordes, and nat myne; I can noon harm of no womman divyne. (438-442) The aside being included from a readers perspective could be construed as maybe Chaucer the authors own viewpoint on the situation. Since the nuns priest takes it upon himself to tell of the downfalls of men that have been brought about by women it reiterates the belief that can be gathered by the reader by spelling it out verbatim. Although as readers it is unnecessary for the nuns priest to have spelled it out so simply because he then shows yet another example of how this occurs, this signifies that this point is one that Chaucer wanted to be sure we gathered sufficiently. Had this not been a belief he had held, would he have spelled it out so plainly? Chauntecleer later is indeed attacked by a wolf and carried away to the woods to his certain doom before slipping away, proving the point that women are the downfall of men. If he had listened to himself and his own ideas instead of Pertelote, Chauntecleer would have been more cautious and would not have had the near-death encounter he did. Essentially the moral of the nuns priest tale can be parsed down to the idea that men should not listen to the beliefs of women because this will in due course lead to their death. As a final point, the prologue to the Wife of Baths Tale illustrates yet another type of woman of the era, this time in the effect of the story teller. The Wife of Bath demonstrates qualities that women of her time typically did not exude; she is a tough individual with a mind of her own and she refuses to allow society to dictate her actions. She intimidates her societal peers due to the strength she possesses. To undermine her strength however, Chaucer includes physical characteristics of the Wife of Bath that make her less than appealing; he crafts her physique so that she is toothless and ugly. She has also had five husbands over the span of a few short years and countless affairs, thus demonstrating that she breaks innocent mens hearts. At one point of the prologue, the Wife of Bath comments on marriage and women from a mans point of view: Thou lykenest wommanes love to helle, To bareyne lond, ther water may not dwelle. Thou lyknest is also to wilde fyr: The more it brenneth, th e more it hath desyr To consume everyt thing that brent wol be. Thous seyst right as wormes shende a tree, Right so a wyf destroyeth hir housebonde; This knowe they that been to wyves bonde. (5583-5602). The Wife of Baths constant blurring of gender roles seems to create a threat against many of the very masculine aspects of late medieval culture. Glenn Burger states in an article, the Wifes apparently successful and entrepreneurial role in wool Englishing and the growing centrality of people of her type in defining the English mainstream; and the ways that such newly emergent groups appropriated the identificatory strategies and patterns of discursive author of previous groups, such as the celibate clerisy and the aristocracy, in order to define their identities (193). In my view, Burger is right, because as a reader you get to experience the reaction of the male characters to her prologue. While she is boasting about her success and issuing her oration on her way of life, she gets cut off by the monk who tells her direction she is not of the authority to discuss such matters. If the Wife of Baths character was not meant to be seen as a threat, this interjection would be likely to h ave never happened. It can be believed that Chaucer intentionally included a strong female character in the tales to make a statement against self sufficient females. The monks interruption could convey Chaucer as a writers own insecurities and beliefs that the strong female individuals could eventually lead to the destruction of men because they could become marginalized by powerful women. Since the Wife of Bath goes through so many husbands as a device to uphold her own stability we do see where this belief could derive from. That being said, we as readers know that Chaucer and many of the other pilgrims find ways to dismiss her strength because of her use of husbandry. The Wife of Bath brings up many a valid point throughout the prologue but Chaucer voids her opinion because of her social class and looks, when in truth she is very wise. It is as if her intelligence is overshadowed by the fact that she has had five husbands and considered something of a whore. These three narrations that contain women who are thought of as having an evil-like quality, that always tempt and take from men, are not the sole example of how women aid to the downfall of men; almost every one of the tales told can been seen as commenting on this principle. They are depicted as untrustworthy, selfish and very vain throughout the collection of tales. Chaucer obviously has very opinionated views of the marriage and the opposite sex and expresses it very strongly in The Canterbury Tales. Simply put, would Chaucer have included these details in his tales if they were ones that did not coincide with his own personal belief system? Scholars will continue to debate over Chaucers use of gender in The Canterbury Tales because no one individual will ever be able to state what Chaucers true intent was, as readers and scholars we can simply postulate.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Equity Feminism for the Next Generation :: Feminism Feminist
Still Enduring: Equity Feminism for the Next Generation Webster defines feminism as both "the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes" and "organized activity on the behalf of women's rights and interests" (Webster 418). Equality of the sexes (in terms of rights) and the furthering of women's rights are seemingly positive aspirations; yet people tend to describe feminism using negative terms, and feminism today has acquired a bad reputation. "Radical" and "extremists" are adjectives commonly applied to feminism as a whole, when, in truth, feminists who adopt extreme positions constitute the minority. Moreover, these "gender feminists," or "militant feminists," as many call them, although they receive the most public attention because of their aggressive tactics and high visibility, alienate people in broadcasting their views. Their goal, to create a "sentimental priesthood" that will achieve collective power and retribution as oppressed "victims" of a white-male supremacy, seems unreasonable (Himmelfarb 20). In contrast, "equity feminists," or "academic feminists," embrace the basic principles of feminism. They celebrate women's achievements, work for the individual rights of all women, and, as Christina Hoff Sommers aptly says, "want for women what they want for everyone, equal protection under the law" (Himmelfarb 20). Though not all feminists agree on how to reach this goal, most argue for a reasonable, realistic, and positive method. By contrasting the differing feminist ideas of writers like Adrienne Rich, Gertrude Himmelfarb, and Camille Paglia, one defines a winning brand of feminism: a philosophy founded on equity feminist ideology and dedicated to the achievement of social, political, economic, and intellectual reform. David Thomas and Camille Paglia, two contemporary cultural critics concerned with gender issues, share the belief that men and boys have aggressive tendencies that women must learn to understand and live with. Thomas, in his essay "The Mind of Man," asserts that women should accept boys' nature: "Boys are not on the whole, docile creatures who wish to live in harmony with one another, but are, instead, highly competitive, physically energetic creatures who hunt in packs" (341). Paglia shares this view: "There are some things we cannot change...hunt, pursuit, and capture are biologically programmed into male sexuality. Generation after generation, men must be educated, refined, and ethically persuaded away from their tendency toward brutishness" (50-51). Because Paglia believes that man's nature is inherently aggressive and poses a danger to women, she maintains that feminism of the academic type gives women a false sense of equality and ease.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Mind Games Essay
The goal of argumentative writing is to persuade the audience that their ideas are valid or more valid then other authors. Greek philosopher and writer, Aristotle, divided persuasion into three sections: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. These persuasion guidelines give readers a sense of credibility, emotion, and reasoning. Ethos is associated with credibility or ethical appeal (Ch. 3, Ethos). Does the author portray the characters as people who are worthy of respect? One problem with argumentation is the ability to impress the reader. By making the character someone that is respected and therefore likable the reader is more interested in the work. An example of this would be a doctor, lawyer, or veteran. Even though all of these jobs serve our community in different ways, they are all respected by society. Another example of logos that the book noted was ââ¬Å"If a company is well known, liked, and respected, that reputation will contribute to itââ¬â¢s persuasive power (Ruszkiewicz, 56).â⬠If its character is problematic in any respect, it may have to use argument to reshape an audienceââ¬â¢s perception (Ruszkiewicz, 56). Authors will also use ethos from personal experience. Writer and activist Terry Williams attacks those who poisoned the Utah deserts with nuclear radiation (Williams, 58) Terry Williams is a women worth listening to because she has lived with the nuclear peril. These are just some of the ways authors can show authority. Pathos is emotional and persuades by appealing to the readerââ¬â¢s emotions (Ch. 2, Pathos). Language choice affects the audienceââ¬â¢s response, and emotional appeal can enhance an argument. The book gives an example of a teacher telling her students that she is legally blind (Kleege, 45). While reading this example, you are probably envisioning yourself sitting in the classroom in shock from what you just heard. When someone gives you information about them or reveals a truth, as the listener, you are taking in everything the speaker is saying; while relating that to every circumstance you can recall. As a student sitting in her classroom, you are thinking about your personal experience with another blind person and forming your own opinion on this person. This example plays in on your emotional side because from the very first day you are aware of your teacherââ¬â¢s disability. Pathos does not always have to be sad; it can also be humorous. Writers can use humor to lighten up the mood and make the reader more comfortable with an argument. The example from Dave Barry (Barry, 49) touches on the idea that men do not need to read the manual but often times make mistakes. This particular example is saying men think they know all, but in reality, they still need help. Logos persuades by the use of reasoning (Ch. 4, Logos). The heart of the argument is presenting the reader with reasons. Effective persuasion can help you back up your claims as well as give proof to your argument. Aristotle divided argumentative writing into facts and reason (Ruszkiewicz, 69). He used what we call hard evidence and reason or common sense (Ruszkiewicz, 69). The book gave an example of U.S. ambassador to the UN asking ambassador Zorin if he had ââ¬Å"placed or is placing medium and intermediate range missiles and sites in Cuba (Ruszkiewicz, 70)?â⬠Representatives allowed him to ask this question because he had hard evidence of spy photographs to prove his claim (Ruszkiewicz). Logos can be shown through text also. By reprinting a single page from a document, you have proof from years past. The example in the book stated the connection between statements and proofs was credible. The article talked about gun ownership (Lindgren, 75). Logos is important in argumentative writing because readers like to have more then one credible source. As a college student, I would write an article on local colleges and universities providing more activities to 18-20 year old students. This article would show ethos because I am a nineteen-year-old local college student. This topic would show pathos because I am appealing to local people that might be affected by drunken college students driving on the roads. I would use the local police records to provide logos to persuade my readers. Another college student might write an essay to persuade local governments to allow 18-21 year old students into the bars. It would be important for the writer to be a responsible college student to establish ethos. The student could argue that this policy would allow underage students to be designated drivers for the legalized students. This would demonstrate pathos. The writer could use local traffic records and news stories to create logos. When an author writes a good rhetorical essay it is similar to a sales representative selling a product. The writer is selling their idea to the public just like the sales rep is selling their product. It will be important for both of them to establish ethos with their audience to make credible representations. They will both use pathos to interest a person in their product or idea. It is also important for both of them to use logos to back up the claims they are making. A sales rep will be rewarded with a commission, and a successful write will be rewarded with future writing assignments. Works cited Ruszkiewicz, Andrea A. Lunsford John J. Everythingââ¬â¢s an argument. Vol. 56. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2009.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Abortion Essay essays
Abortion Essay essays In the past decades, a serious issue has come into a worldwide viewpoint. This issue, abortion, has become a massive concern and needs to be paid close attention to! Abortion should be outlawed in the U.S. forever. There needs to be a law to stop all abortions. Due to overwhelming evidence, having an abortion should be made illegal in the U.S. because there are three important ways that abortion hurts people worldwide. First, women who choose to have an abortion might suffer psychological damage. After a woman goes through the procedure of the abortion, she might start having nerve disorders, sleep disorders, regrets, or be recommended for psychiatric care. If the woman does suffer from this, she might abuse any other unwanted children that didnt have any other options, but to live with their biological mother. The fear, anxiety, pain, and guilt associated with this procedure are mixed into this perception of grotesque and violent death. Many women who choose to have an abortion argue that it is their choice and that having an abortion doesnt hurt anyone! However, after she has an abortion she could suffer from psychological damage and hurt any others that are around her emotionally and physically. The woman can suffer in many other ways. After she has an abortion she could start abusing alcohol and hurt the people around her with violent behavior, divorce, separation, auto accidents, and job loss . She could also start abusing drugs, which can cause someone to get HIV/AIDS infections, congenital malformations, and assaultive behavior to people at work, on the streets, or in her family. For at least some women could suffer from post-abortion stress is associated with eating disorders such as binge eating, bulimia, and anorexia nervosa. Post-abortion stress is linked with increased cigarette smoking. Women who have abortions are twice as likely to start smoking heavily and suffer the health risks that co ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Invention of telephone Essays
Invention of telephone Essays Invention of telephone Essay Invention of telephone Essay When Alexander Graham Bell foremost invented the telephone his purpose was to make a device that would do communicating over great distances easier. Today. when we want to speak to another individual. what do we make? We pick up the telephone. coil through our contacts. and imperativeness send. Because of the engineering that was foremost invented in the mid 1800ââ¬â¢s we can immediately link to people in other metropoliss. provinces. and even other states. But have you of all time wondered how different todayââ¬â¢s universe would be without the innovation of the telephone? In my sentiment. the telephone has brought about the most far making and permanent alterations in our civilisation. The innovation of the telephone has caused both positive and negative results to our society. Some of the advantages of the innovation of the telephone are: We can now immediately reach our household and friends. concerns can distribute their services worldwide. we can reach exigency forces in the event that we need them. and it was used to assist make the cyberspace. Some of the disadvantages of the innovation of the telephone are: America is a state that thrives on instant satisfaction. there are a batch of safety and wellness concerns due to the overexploitation of the telephone. and the fact that people today are non every bit societal as they one time were. Back when this state was foremost founded if a individual wanted to acquire in contact with another individual in another metropolis it meant a courier had to go a great distance and manus present the missive to the intended individual. The procedure from start to complete could take months. or even near to a twelvemonth. because of the bringing clip. In todayââ¬â¢s universe though. a individual has the ability to pick up the telephone and immediately acquire an reply to a inquiry they have. Businesss use telephones within their offices to pass on with colleagues and they besides utilize the telephone to speak to clients. concern spouses. or sellers that may populate in different provinces or different states. In the 1700ââ¬â¢s if a baker needed milk he could non pick up the phone and order 100 gallons from Cobourg Farms that was located 200 stat mis off. the baker would hold to purchase that milk from a local husbandman. Families that were separated by an full ocean truly had no agencies of communicating until the early 1900ââ¬â¢s. However. today non merely do we hold the ability to name person on our telephones. but we besides have to ability to see the other individual while speaking on the phone with them. In the crude cyberspace yearss we used the telephone lines to dial into the cyberspace. The innovation of the telephone has opened impossible doors for the universe. However. with the good the telephone brings society. it besides brings some negative things into society every bit good. Most first universe states in the universe thrive on instant satisfaction. We ever have our phone with us and when we are without it we feel like a piece of us is losing. I myself have been guilty of speaking to older coevalss and inquiring them how they of all time survived without a cell phone. because holding a phone within my range 24/7 is 2nd nature to me. When we want to cognize something or want to speak to person all we have to make is make down into our pockets and we immediately get replies. Peoples are less patient now-a-days and Iââ¬â¢d like to believe that has something to make with the fact that we have the universe at our finger tips at any given point throughout our twenty-four hours. Because of the innovation of the cellular telephone there are a figure of safety and wellness hazards that are caused by the overexploitation of these devices. Cellphones emit little sums of radiation. and over clip the radiation end product can take to memory jobs. tumours. and other wellness issues. Peoples now besides can speak on their cell phones and thrust. or text and thrust. A driver is non to the full cognizant of his or her milieus when they are being distracted by a cellular telephone in their manus. or a Bluetooth device that is in their ear or built into their auto. Having the ability to utilize a phone anyplace. at any clip causes wrecks and human deaths every twenty-four hours in the impulsive universe. We now have runs against texting and driving and in some provinces it is illegal to speak and drive without a grip device because of the figure of deceases that phones have caused. I can vouch if you walk into any dining installation at dinner clip you will see at least one household whose olfactory organs are all buried in their phones. Because of the innovation of the smartphone we have entree to the whereabouts of everyone in our household and all of our friends. The telephone has played a immense function in the decomposition of our societal behaviour. Twelve people can be in a room with each other. but neer talk to each other because they are all preoccupied on their phones. Families donââ¬â¢t communicate every bit much as they used to in individual. because directing a simple text message is much easier than speaking in individual. In todayââ¬â¢s coevals holding a phone is a natural portion of life. When the phone was foremost invented it was merely available to the rich. but over clip it has become less expensive which allows more people to hold entree to it. The innovation of the telephone has greatly changed how society maps. I donââ¬â¢t believe Alexander Graham Bell knew how the engineering for the phone would turn when he foremost invented it. The phone has many positive properties. but it besides has many disadvantages every bit good. I urge you the following clip you pick up your phone attempt and believe about how you would hold functioned 200 old ages ago when communicating was non so readily accessible.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Market Security Valuation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Market Security Valuation - Essay Example Headlines of Market Development in the Past Week Survey on ISM manufacturing registered a growth of 1.0. The growth increased moved from 53.4 to 54.4 suggesting that manufacturing sector has a steady growth (Payden & Rygel). FOMC Minutes posted a negative growth in the market with regard to previous trends. The market concern has focused on possibility of FOMC Minute falling off in second quarter in 2012. ISM Non-Manufacturing survey registered a slow growth in the last month. The survey showed the trends at 56.0 up from 57.0 and further 1.3, a fall from February trends, which stood at 57.3. However, the trend does not create any course of alarm. Initial Jobless Claims has posted a strong grip from the previous trend with 357,000 claims last week (Payden & Rygel). The observation suggests a continued downward trend. The financial market report suggests that the market is progressing well because an increase in number of jobless entering into the payroll suggests a growth in the money market. The trend suggests that a further drop in jobless claim would occur when the market remains stable. The job data suggests an improvement in US economic fundamentals. In most cases, increase in jobless claims is an indication of debilitating market. Major Global Releases and their Impacts Europe stock went down by -2.47%. Eastern Europe markets registered varied outcomes in the market. A survey on the Manufacturing Purchasing Managerââ¬â¢s Index (PMI) indicated an improvement in first quarter of 2012. A survey in Hungaryââ¬â¢s PMI indicated an upward trend from 51.2 to 56.8 (Payden & Rygel). Analysts believe the trend observed was because of increase in demand from external players in the month of March. Czech Republic registered a growth in PMI from 50.5 to 52.1because of new orders and higher readings. Poland posted a stagnated result as observed 50.0 to 50.1. The probable reason for the above result is the consumption behavior in the domestic market and earlier weak nesses observed in the Euro area (Baker& Nofsinger 554). The average trend for the PMI was above fifty, which a positive mark is considering the trends in the last quarter of 2011. Global Currencies and Bonds Global bonds did not post an active result during the week. Many investors are speculating to see the trends in the next week. German Bund and Short dated UK Gilt did not register any change of marketing trends in Bank of England and ECB (Payden & Rygel). Spanish market indicated an increased borrowing because of auctioning of Spanish Government debts. The observation tends to suggest that Spanish is unable to solve its fiscal problems without seeking monetary assistance from IMF or EU. Further, observation indicates that tensions created in the Spanish market influenced Portuguese and Italian debt markets. Conversely, sovereign yields were strong over Bund in this weekââ¬â¢s market. US currency gained in the currency market versus major currencies in the US reserve. Analyst s suggest that March FOMC US Federal Reverseââ¬â¢s meeting had a stake in the quantitative easing. The Draghiââ¬â¢s comment had an influence on weakening of EUR. Australian dollar registered a continuous weakening of greenback. The trend has influenced Reserve Bank of Australia to create constant rates speculating of the changes that are likely to occur in the coming months. Emerging Market Bonds The trends observed in the market indicated that tight gains for emerging dollar pay debts. Standard and Poor included Uruguay in the Investment grade which restored
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Global health Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Global health - Assignment Example Secondly, the most vulnerable population should be protected and prioritized than the invulnerable ones. This includes the poor who have less access to medical facilities and have a difficulty in affording these services. Making these facilities available and affordable for them can be a huge step towards effective health care. Statement: The WHO report (2012) shows that over 6.6 million children under 5 years died in Africa, especially in third world countries. Increasing the medical care facilities for children can help reduce the death of the future generation. Statement: In 2008, CDC declared that the statistics of mortality at birth in Africa has gone high in developing countries and that there is need to reduce the risk of both the mother and the child of dying. The Pregnancy risk assessment program (PRAP) is an initiative that would see less annual mortality at birth. Statement: Mubi (2013) notes that Malaria claims about 0.66 million people among them children along the coastal regions of the world. This high rate of death costs the economy and should be avoided at all cost. Providing adequate medical supply within these areas would help improve the situation. Statement: Mudur (2003) notes that over 85% of India is covered by water and that this has resulted in the prevalence of waterborne diseases within this country. Hence, it is crucial to control the impact of diseases such as diarrhea and typhoid by increasing medical care in this environment. Statement: Research by Mabey and Mayaud (2004) indicates that developing countries spend over 13% of their economy budget on STD. As the number of reported cases increases every year, it would be vital to launch awareness campaigns to reduce the infection rate. Statement: In the near dry regions of the world, most communities cannot afford medical care and the death rate in these regions is very high. Providing free medical insurance will make health services free for them. Statement:
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